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Announcement: Change in Leadership at SACRA

We bid a fond farewell to Nyeleti Bicky Mthombeni, who has resigned as SACRA Chairperson. She has served with unwavering dedication as the Chairperson of SACRA. Her tireless efforts and leadership have significantly impacted our association. We express our heartfelt gratitude for her valuable contributions.

Bicky's tenure as Chairperson has been instrumental in shaping SACRA, and her guidance has paved the way for our continued growth. Her commitment and hard work have set a strong foundation for us to support the clinical trials community.

Despite our Vice Chairperson's decline to take on this role due to other commitments, we're thrilled to announce that Sorika van Niekerk has been nominated to take lead as the new SACRA Chairperson until the end of 2024. Sorika brings a wealth of experience and dedication to this role, and we have full confidence in her ability to steer SACRA towards further success.

perience and dedication to this role, and we have full confidence in her ability to steer SACRA towards further success.

Join us in thanking Bicky for her exceptional leadership and welcoming Sorika as she embarks on this new journey. We extend our best wishes to Sorika and look forward to achieving greater milestones together under her guidance.


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